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» Suzy and fashion
Suzy and fashion Icon_minitime1Сря Мар 13, 2013 7:12 pm by Bae Suzy

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 Suzy and fashion

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Bae Suzy
Everyone put your hands up and get your drinks up
Bae Suzy

Брой мнения : 28
Join date : 19.01.2013
Местожителство : Seoul, Korea

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Suzy and fashion   Suzy and fashion Icon_minitime1Съб Яну 19, 2013 8:59 pm

Suzy and fashion Paradise-14_large
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Bae Suzy
Everyone put your hands up and get your drinks up
Bae Suzy

Брой мнения : 28
Join date : 19.01.2013
Местожителство : Seoul, Korea

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Suzy and fashion   Suzy and fashion Icon_minitime1Нед Яну 20, 2013 10:37 am

РП-то с L.Joe в "Подлезът на мъртъвците"
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Suzy and fashion 69408_P_1354846921698
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Bae Suzy
Everyone put your hands up and get your drinks up
Bae Suzy

Брой мнения : 28
Join date : 19.01.2013
Местожителство : Seoul, Korea

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Suzy and fashion   Suzy and fashion Icon_minitime1Сря Мар 13, 2013 7:12 pm

За РП-то: "След два месеца, Япония"
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